Water supplies for industrial use

Whether you have access to municipal supplies and are facing unnecessarily high water costs or are located in an area without access to wells or sustainable groundwater, long-term storage credits from Gila River Water Storage can help provide the water solution you need.

Industrial users with an existing Water Service Area
Industrial water users such as data centers, manufacturers and facilities with large turf areas, such as golf courses, can use non-potable water supplies to meet water demands.

Why use costly, treated water from municipalities and water providers to meet those needs?

In most cases, long-term storage credits from GRWS can be used less expensively than potable water supplies.

For example, industrial water users within SRP’s service area can benefit from access to SRP’s existing water delivery infrastructure (wells, canals and laterals) to provide recovery of long-term storage credits and delivery of recovered credits through SRP’s non-potable system.

There are other irrigation districts in central Arizona with similar recovery and delivery infrastructure, and arrangements for recovery and delivery could be made with them.

Industrial water users without access to wells or sustainable groundwater
Parts of central Arizona have limited access to wells or groundwater supplies but are located in proximity to the Central Arizona Project canal.

It's not feasible for industrial water users in these areas to recover long-term storage credits for use in their operations. However, long-term storage credits can still be put to use by trading them with a CAP subcontract holder.

Many of these subcontract holders recharge all or part of their CAP supplies to earn long-term storage credits for future use.

For these subcontractors, there is no difference between obtaining long-term storage credits from someone else and receiving CAP water and recharging it themselves.

If such a trade can be arranged with a third party, the industrial water user can purchase long-term storage credits from GRWS and trade them with the third-party subcontractor.

In return, the subcontractor can order a like amount of water to be delivered to the industrial water user from the CAP canal.

Ready to learn if GRWS can provide a water solution for your business? Contact one of our water specialists and we'll guide you through the process.

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Long-term storage credits from GRWS can be used less expensively than potable water supplies.